
Showing posts from April, 2008


In the past 2 days i've been shocked. Yesterday, a friend tells me something untold. Ah, i feel .... indescribable..

Morning Spirit.

Believe it or not, gue udah nyampe kantor pagi ini jam 8 lewat 10. Entah kesambet setan apaan kita bertiga berangkat 1 jam lebih cepet dari biasanya. Enak juga berangkat pagi2 ya ternyata. Udara masih seger, masih bisa ngeliat anak2 berangkat sekolah...... cuma gak enaknya ya mesti bangun pagi. Susah banget buka mata pagi ini. Mata musti ditampol kopi dulu nih... slllrrpp.. giling, jam segini gue masih sempet nulis2 di blog. kepala udah agak2 pusing akibat kafein torabika. tapi masih aja ngantuk. any idea how to prevent this ngantuk thing every morning??? kalo minum semacem fatigon gt sebelum tidur gpp gak sih??

Love. Hate. Jealousy.

I tell u what: If u really love someone, tell them. If u really hate someone, tell them. If u really jealous of someone, also tell them. Just dont make ur life and ur partner's life miserable. And if u want to move on, dont tell me, pls tell her. :) boookkkk... curhat mulu........ cyapeee deee.. ke bandung lagi yuuuuk...

Plok.. Plok... Plok....

Tuk..Tuk...Tukk.. Gue Nengok. Ada seseorang berjalan dibelakang gue. Oh, Si Anu... Eits, sepatunya baru tuh, lucu juga... Der, Der.... Gue dipanggil. Sini deh, lo cobain sepatu ini muat gak? Gue nyamperin. Ups, sepatu yang itu. Gue nyobain sepatu itu. Pas. Walopun kaki depan agak kejepit dikittt.. Muat nih neik.. kenapa ya? Si Anu mo buang sepatu ini, gue bilang mending kasih lo aja.. Dan sekarang sepatu itu udah nangkring manis di rak sepatu gue....


Decide for nothing. Think before deciding. Lucky u still have a chance to have a life. Please prepare urself to have a shocking news. Please be...

Disappointed or Not Disappointed.

I'm not sure what makes me feel like this. Maybe PMS. Another choice of life: - Not disappointed a person who gave u a chance to start a new life without living it. - Or go for another rare chance to live and might living in it. Oh god, i dont feel so good about this. Honestly writing (not speaking), i might choose to not disappointed a person who has given me a chance. It's about trust. loyalty. But maybe the eager feeling motivate the most for taking the rarely chance to have a life and living in it. Money talks. Ego talks. Human talks. Human wants everything to run perfectly. But there are obstacles. Life is not so called life without struggling in obstacles. Maybe perfectionist is the only lack in a perfect person.

Kacamata Baru.

The most wanted moment in my day. Aku punya kacamata baru!! Hoooraayy... Kenapa gue seneng? Soalnya, setelah hampir 2 tahun, gue akhirnya beli kacamata baru! Tapi betenya, silinder gue nambah euy, tadinya cuma silinder 1/2, sekarang jadinya silinder 1. Both Eyes!!! Errrrr.. tujuan berikutnya, sepatu!!! yeaaayy...


My boyfriend might feel complete. He finally graduated from a long-term college, and he also finally got a job.... although not the job he dreamed of. Plus, he has me. :)