Sex and The City.

Just watched that movie last night. It's a drama. The story, is predictable.
But the visualization, not visual effects (meaning: shoes, clothes, bags, i want one please!!!!) is soooooooooooooooo good. bikin aku ngiler ajah.

Tapi gue sempet mo nangis juga sih pas Carrie gak jadi kawin sama Big.... uhuhuuh... sedih ajah hidupnya. emosinya berasa bu sama eyke... tapi malu ajah kalo nangis, secara rame bener yang nonton, ntar gue diledekin lagih sama oknum Eiy. Lagian gue suka terlalu kebawa suasana sih kalo abis nonton film.. hihihihi.. maklum, eyke khan sensitif.....

Overall, i think this movie deserve a 7.5. i love Carrie's shoes.


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