JGS. :)

Meaning: Jakarta Great Sale. Ikut2an Singapur katanya.

Yang jelas: hepiiii.... waloupun belom sempet blanja apa2an, secara keuangan udah menipis banget. kecuali, ada yang mau blanjain... :)

Eh, tapi jangan sedih, gue dapet dompet Guess super murah! diskon 50% ajya.. catet...
someone told me the day i bought that: "buy something you need, not something you want". in my defense: "this is what i need man. punya gue udah rusak and it is discount price!".

i told another man i ran into that day in order to show my new guess wallet: "akyu baru beli dompet pake credit card nih, nanti kamu yang bayar yah....." and he answers: "ok babe". HUAHUAHUHAUUA... this is what i need... that kind of answer is what i need....! pls dont make me feel guilty of my pleasure!!!


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