This is not right. Im being pessimistic these days. Is it PMS already?! *sigh*


Anyhoooo… My Son is 5 months and 2weeks old now J


Udah bisa apa?? Kuyeeppp sama ngoceh2 ‘Eh-bu-bu-eh’, mungkin maksudnya mau manggil ‘Ibu” as I want him to call me that J *ge-er*

Berat? Terakhir nimbang di RS 6.5kg. Hup! Hup! Biar sedikit yang penting nambah dan sehat ya naaakkk J


Oh iya, Mamas ganti dokter, have I told u that? *kelupaan, udah lama gak nge blog*

Dokter yg sekarang, dr. Dyah Kurniati, SpA, lebih teliti daripada yang sebelumnya, tapi masih di RS yg sama.


Mandi duyuuu biar wangi.. Mau ke rmh Mas Isa.. _).jpg.


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