
Phew, nyampe juga nih di 2010. Happy New Year to All :)

My 2009 Review:
1. January to March - Masih seneng pergi ke club, having a wonderful youth time :D
2. April - went to Bali *for the 1st time in my life and yes, im not ashamed :))*
3. May - tell my parents me & arief want to get married *deg deg seeeerrrrr
4. June - 14th perkenalan keluarga. On 28th, my cousin, Atie, got married to Arul.
5. July - 26th my other cousin, Evelyn, and her long relationship boyfriend, Rezi, also ties the knot :)
6. August - 15th, Lamaran resmi sekaligus serah2an gue
7. September - Bulan Puasa, last month being single :)
8. October - 4th. Got married to Arief. Alhamdulillah..... *and also went to Bali for the 2nd time this year for honeymoon. yiiippiiiiee *
9. November - December: being his wife is so much fun!!!

Resolusi menikah di 2009, sudah tercapai, Alhamdulillah...

Apa sih resolusi 2010??? Nabung yang buaaannnyaaaaakkkkk..... :))
Jadi siap2 hidup irit deh tahun ini.. :p


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