Happy Birthday to Me :)

December 2nd 2009.

My husband kisses me on my forehead, both cheeks, and on lips. Says, "Happy birthday, sayang" and continue working *or playing on his laptop. While I'm continue sleeping *ngantuk bok!

As for present, he get me to choose my own present. So I chose books. I got 4 books! Yeaay!

Day Time.
I come early to the office *7.30 am udah nyampe kantor! wakwaaw.
I brought Kue Sus, Lemper and Pastel for my colleagues.

10.30 pm
My dearest little sister and brother surprised me.
Dari jam 9 gue udah sukses molor. Tau2 mereka masuk kamar dan bangunin gue. Bawa2 kue ulang taun, pake lilin segala. Guenya kaget. Orang lagi tidur enak2, dibangunin, dinyanyiin happy birthday. Jangan tanya kagetnya kaya apa. Ancur banget ekspresi gue *untung gak dipoto. hakhakhakhaka...

Makasih ya Tek... Ber... I love you guys soooooo muuuaaacchhhh..... *huhuhuhu.... aku makin gak kepingin pindah rumah :((

 my 27th birthday cake ^.^

The rest of the day I spent for replying messages and my friends' greetings and wishes in my facebook wall. :)
Thankyou all for your wishes. This day has been a grateful day for me.
Thankyou Allah SWT, for giving me such a loving husband, wonderful family, nice colleagues and great friends :)


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