They finally ties the knot :)


Do you like to watch Grey's Anatomy? You do? Me, too!! Hihihihi....

I'm glad that Derek & Meredith will finally got married!

Just checkout this website! Created by Izzie as the wedding planner..

uhm.. congratulations to Mer & Derek! :)

Update, Update!!!

Mer & Der belom jadi married, diserobot sama IZzie...!!! huaaahhh...


Vita said…
Ahh beneran?? masa seehh??

aiih senangnya..

btw.. just stopping by, jadi pengen comment gara2 grey's anatomy.. salam kenal ya
derce said…
hi Vita.... salam kenal juga yaa.. hihihih... iyah, gak sabar nonton episode mereka married.... :p
si meredith akhir2 ini tambah cantik, udah gak mbem lagi.. hehehhe...

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