
This is happening a few months ago. It was friday long lunch time. We, a group of NSN ladies, went to Senayan City, craving for Burger King (haha, yeah, we love eating junk! it taste good though..). So, we directly went to the BK store and get in line of the queue.

In front of us, there were a group of men, consist of 3-4 people (can't remember exactly), definitely not Indonesian citizen, all of them wearing black t-shirts, brings lots of shopping bags, and BRANDED (cateeeet...). Then I thought, oh, maybe they're gay, or at least, one of the metros kinda guy.

Until I saw one of them, bald, tattoes in both arms, and looks exactly like this:

Recognize his face??? Me too. It's Vin Diesel!!! OMG!, I got excited. Then I turn my head to one of my friends, and give her a sign. She nods, her eyes gets bigger, and mumbling, "It's Chris, Daughtry". Then my eyes gets bigger too, "Are you sure??!".

We gathered, whispering about that guy. We were in doubts coz none of us hear he would coming here to Indonesia. Then we assume that he's not Chris Daughtry.

Until he left BK, we saw 2 girls coming and take a picture with him.
Then we were pretty sure, it was Chris Daughtry!! for real!! and we could only look at him walking away.... far... far... away...... hiiiksss.... ga sempet poto2!! khan bisa pamer di fesbuk...!!

Anyway, pas pulangnya baru tau, lagi ada acaranya Sony Ericsson di Senayan, dan guest starnya ya, Daughtry ituh..... demmmiiittt..... kita meraung2 seada2nya.....

PS: pardon me when i thought he was Vin Diesel. hihihi... they look similar in my eyes.... weeekk...
Btw, below is the video from Daughtry. I REALLY LOVE this song!! ENjoy! :)


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