I've been tagged.

The rules are:

1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

Tagged by Re, so i must do this.

Here are 10 random facts or habits of me. Part of them have been told on my previous post. Hope you enjoy...

1. Sensitif
2. Moody
3. Emosian
4. Pemarah (kata embah ku karna gue lahir bulan Sapar, does it matter??)
5. Suka banget makan (deuuuhh makanya gendaaaatttt..!!)
6. Egosentris (who's not anyway??!!!)

7. Current addiction is Gossip Girl. I've watched the latest dvd: Season 2 episode 3-4. Needed the new one please.

8. Gone to Pizza Hut twice this week..!! Which makes me a lot more chubby! Hoho... dont blame pizza hut, blame me for eating out of control..... :D

9. Bought 2 pairs of shoes in one day, which cost me not-so-much money! Yeaay!

10. One shower a day today!!!

And i'm tagging these blogs:

1. Anti

2. Nita

3. Anes

4. Nochan

5. Galih

6. Yuni

7. Meryl

8. Dwan

9. Re

10. Epit

Well, well, please do your own on your blog guys.... :)


seseorang said…
kok linknya tealchick semua, dey?
Anonymous said…
iya yah? payah nih blogspot, padahal gue udah cape2 bikinnya... huuhuhu... biarin aja deh, toh semua linknya udah ada di blogroll... hehehe...
seseorang said…
udah kita kerja'in tuh Dey.. ^_^ (telat, bru lapor sekarang.. :p)
Anonymous said…
mba ber.. apa yg dimaksud galih itu gw?? sory, soalnya gw biasa dipanggil tomas... hkahakhka

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