17-Aug-08. 01:39 PM.

ENDONESA, udah 63 tahun merdeka! Yakiiiiiin??

There are so many people called our country as ENDONESYA. You know what? we do have a beautiful name of our conutry. it's INDONESIA. Please call it beautifully. I-N-D-O-N-E-S-I-A. Yes, like that. Aren't u proud?

Corruption. A well-known public secret of Indonesia's government. Even though KPK are doing a good, no, great job now, there are still so many corruptions here. I'm feelin like, we're colonized by our own-trusted-government, if u know what i mean... hehe..

Beggars. Are everywhere. Apalagi menjelang puasa-lebaran gini. Makin banyak aja.

Yeah, hopefully, this condition is only a process for INDONESIA to become a greater country!
Majulah bangsa Endonesya, ups, Indonesia! Peace!!


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