New Gadgeeeettt....!!

Yeaaaayy... how happy i am. I've sold My N70 Storm Blue Edition and bought a new Sony Ericsson K770i.
Okay, i know, i wanted SE K810i, but since the product is really2 rare right now, so i decided to bought this one:

An orange SE K770i. Loooooooooooooooove it!!! Nyiahahahhahahaha....

What i loooooooooooooooooove about this phone:

* good camera 3.2 MP (Yes, i love photographing myself!!! Below post is actually the result of mobile blogging from my phone.. :D)
* 3G (mangap kalo norak, tapi emang gue masih norak... yeeeee...)
* 256mb M2 included (i would upgrade it into 1Gb - next month!!!)
* It's orange (i was gonna buy the ultraviolet one, but the product wasn't available. and it turns out that i love orange even mooooore..)

I really really really hope that i could hold on into this for a loooooooong time..... Because i am a gadget freak who doesn't have money........ Hihihihihihi....

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy....... Syalalalalla...


Anonymous said…
mau dooong mbaaaaaaa... aku jadi ingin yang 5 mpixel itu dehhhh... nyohohohoh
Anonymous said…
yes, darling, nabung dulu yah, kayanya yang itu masih mehong dueeeegghh.... aw aw...
Anonymous said…
wew...emang dah tuh, mehong...tapi mau N95..hikhihkhhik....i wove sliding phone....nabung..nabung..nabunggg...cup2

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