Mimpi yang aneh

Semalem gue mimpi aneh. Tiga orang yang gue kenal membintangi iklan sebuah produk. Something called "Orkut" or "Orkus" or "Sirkus" yaaa...? Whatever lah gak penting.

Pertama yang muncul, sepasang manusia (which is my friends si R dan si A) lagi teriak2 entah lagi minta tolong atau kehausan. Lalu munculah si K (this person is my friend, but also the one i always, always hate to be with, hope she's not reading this). Dia lagi terbang diatas awan pake baju model jaman kerajaan gituh atau semacem gatot kaca versi ce lakh... berkata: "Makanya Pake..... (nyebutin nama produk yang diatas tadi)"

Man, i was shocked and surprised, i never thought i would ever dream of her (well, actually pretty often about 2-3 years ago, but now? i dont even think of her).... what a weird dream last night... :) gue udah kaya lesbi ajah ceritanya... hihi.. tenang.. aku masih suka lelaki koq....


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