
Showing posts from February, 2010

My Name Spelled:

D E R R Y Apa kurang jelas?? Bukan DERY Bukan juga DERI Apalagi DERRI Oh, Come On, you knew my email, you saw my name, masak sih nulis nama gue yg bener aja gak bisa. Betek ah. Gak susah padahal. Kalo sekali aja sih wajar yah ciiiinn, tapi ini berkali2... :(( In positive assumption: Mungkin keyboard or keypadnya rusak kali. :D * * * Anyway, my sister has found her peace. She is now wearing jilbab. I wish she could be a better muslimah this way. :) So happy for you, Sist...

It's a New Life.

It's been 2 weeks since we moved out from my parents' house, and moved in to our love nest (walopun masih ngontrak :D) So, heregoes our new happy life: 1. If he's on morning shift: We woke up at 4 in the morning (not we, me to be exact -_-"). He wakes up half an hour later, after I take a shower and finish preparing his breakfast. Then he took a shower, have breakfast, and we depart to drop me off at my parents'. Then we're home again at 8pm, after he pick me up on my parents' and have dinner there. Hohohohoho.... 2. If he's on day shift: I woke up at 5.30. Cleaning up the house, took a shower, woke him up. Then drove me to my parents'. He picked me up again at 11pm :(( 3. As on night shift, I spent the night at my parents' Jadi kesimpulannya, kita cuma kayak maen rumah2an aja, rumahnya cuma buat bobo malem doank soalnya tiap hari masih ke rumah nyokap :D You know, malem kedua di rumah baru, I literally, nangis sesunggukan, gara2 uja...